The EAS RF deactivator e kentse mofuta o khethehileng oa khalase e thatafalitsoeng e nang le matla a phahameng 'me e sa senyehe.
Sena se etsa hore e be tšesaane haholo, e nyane ebile e ntle.
Theknoloji e phahameng ea digital & microprocessor, botsitso bo matla, mokhoa o phethahetseng le o hōlileng tsebong oa e 'ngoe e nang le liphahlo tse peli.
E ka sebetsoa ka POS, e fumaneha joalo ka pad e le 'ngoe kapa lipampiri tse peli.
Lebitso la sehlahisoa | EAS RF Deactivator-CT330 |
Khafetsa | 8.2 M Hz(RF) |
Lintho tse bonahalang | ABS |
Boholo ba Pad | 290*240*11MM |
Sebaka sa ho lemoha | 1-5cm (e ipapisitse le tikoloho ea sebaka sa marang-rang) |
Phepelo ea motlakase | Kenyelletso 110-220VAC,E tsoa 18-24VAC |
Molumo | Buzzer |
1.Tsebetso ea khopotso: Label e tiisitsoe: "Di,Di.." molumo le khanya
Leibole ha e ea tingoa: tšepe ea alamo le leseli .
2.Power unit: Matla a mofuta oa laptop a nang le boleng bo phahameng.
3.E lumellana hantle ka har'a kapa ka tlas'a khaontara mme e ka sebelisoa ho fumana li-tag tse thata tse so tlosoe.
4.Plag le play mounting dikgetho lumella tafole top le flush mounting.
Beha dekhoutara khaontareng ea cashier.Ha moreki a nka thepa e nang le leibole e thibelang bosholu 'me a feta ka har'a motho ea kenang chelete ho ea sheba, motho ea sebelisang chelete o sebelisa sekontiri sena ho tlosa makenete, ebe ha moreki a ntša thepa, lemati le thibelang bosholu le ke ke la tšoha.Checkout le demagnetization, tag e thibelang bosholu e tla etsa hore moamoheli oa bosholu a lle alamo ha a feta monyako o thibelang bosholu ho hopotsa tlelereke.